RDT Live provides real-time tracking of IP501H/IP501M, IP730D/IP740D series, and IC-SAT100/IC-SAT100M products.
What's Needed:
For LTE:
- IP501H/IP501M with CONNET airtime service
- VE-PG4 or fixed IP501M
- IP730D/IP740D series radio
For Satellite:
- IC-SAT100/IC-SAT100M with Iridium service
- Fixed IC-SAT100/IC-SAT100M to receive incoming GPS messages
- Google Earth Pro installed on your computer
- Licensed RDT Live installed on your computer
RDT Live is designed to run on a Windows PC running Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, or Windows 11. For proper viewing of .kml files, Google Earth Pro (or another .kml viewer) must also be installed on your computer. Users are assumed to have general knowledge of how to operate Google Earth Pro (or the viewer of choice).
Site licenses available. Contact rdtsales@icomamerica.com for more information.
RDT Live
RDT Live provides real-time tracking for IP501H/IP501M and IC-SAT100/IC-SAT100M radios.
RDT Live is for:
- Determining the location of IP501H/IP501M and IC-SAT100/IC-SAT100M users
- Looking at recent historical positions of users
- Determining speed (for LTE products)
- Unit status (from their status list – for LTE products)
- Emergency/Priority status
- Messaging (IC-SAT100/IC-SAT100M only)