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RDT Pro works with Icom's IC-F3400/IC-F5400 series, IC-F7000 series, IC-R30, and IC-R8600 radios and can store voice and GPS information on their internal SD cards, along with the associated metadata. RDT Pro reads this information and presents it usefully for further analysis.


RDT Pro also works with Icom's IP501H/IP501M and IC-SAT100/IC-SAT100M radios to provide real-time device location and tracking. No SD card is used for this functionality.


What’s Needed:

  • Icom IC-F3400/IC-F5400, IC-F7000 series, IC-R30, IC-R8600, IP501H/IP501M, ICSAT100/IC-SAT100M, or IP730D/IP740D series radios
  • SD card installed into the radios (non-LTE or SAT)
  • Google Earth Pro installed on your computer
  • Licensed RDT Live installed on your computer


RDT Pro is designed to run on a Windows PC running Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, or Windows 11. For proper viewing of .kml files, Google Earth Pro (or another .kml viewer) must also be installed on your computer. Users are assumed to have general knowledge of how to operate Google Earth Pro (or the viewer of choice).


RDT requires that the Icom radio have an SD card installed with log files activated (any non-LTE-CONNECT radios). The railroad version requires RR 2.7G for all functionality.


Site licenses available. Contact for more information.


  • With RDT Pro:

    Convert voice logs to .kml format, readable by Google Earth (or other .kml viewer).


    • Convert multiple files simultaneously and see the entire track for the file’s time period

    • Play audio and view call statistics from the RDT GUI

    • Play audio from Google Earth based on a location that corresponds to the voice log

    • Show call statistics on Google Earth

    • All calls show tuned zone/channel (IC-F3400D/IC-F5400D series only), frequency, and mode

    • RX data displayed includes:

      • RSSI

      • Calling ID and talkgroup (if applicable)

      • Calling party location (if GPS enabled) for calling party's radio (IC-F3400D/IC-F5400D series only)

      • Volume setting at the time of received call (IC-F3400D/IC-F5400D series only)

      • IC-F3400D/IC-F5400D with RR firmware 2.7G (or later) records other detailed settings. See instructions for more information.

    • TX data displayed includes:
      • Power (radio only)
      • Talkgroup or Individual Call

    Convert GPS log files to .kml format readable by Google Earth (or another .kml viewer) (IC-F3400D/IC-F5400D series, IC-F7000 series, and IC-R30 only).

    • Convert multiple files simultaneously and see the entire track for the file’s time period

    • Google Earth’s time slider allows users to zoom in at a particular time (default time is GMT; configure to show local time)

    • Show track statistics: mi/km, average speed, and duration

    • Show clear indicators for each file’s starting and ending points

    • When multiple files are converted together, tracks will show how they merge across files

    • View the power log for a full analysis of power state changes and battery health (IC-F3400D/IC-F5400D with RR firmware, 2.6G or later only)


    Voice Announcements

    • Easy conversion and placement of internally-recorded voice announcements


    RDT Live

    • Includes all features of RDT Live – see product for details
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